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Request Cooldown class

This class is used to manage every type of lobby request and its rate limits. It provides a way to queue requests and execute them when the rate limit allows it. Also provides events to notify when a type of request is Over the rate limit and when it is available to be executed.



Type: ActionValue<bool>

A boolean ActionValue that indicates if the request is available to be executed. Is set to false as soon as the request rate limit is reached.


Type: Action

An event that is triggered when the request is called again while it's not available. It provides a boolean parameter that is true when the request is over the rate limit and false when it is available to be executed.


If the request limit is 4 requests per minute, and the request is called 5 times in a minute, on the 4th call the IsAvailable property will be set to false and in the 5th call the OnOverRequestLimit event will be triggered with the parameter true. After a minute, the IsAvailable property will be set to true and the OnOverRequestLimit event will be triggered with the parameter false.




Task WaitForRequestCooldown( )


Awaitable method that waits until the request is available to be executed. Always call this method before executing a request to ensure that the request is not over the rate limit.